Based on the data of the vector maps of the current land use of Cha-kou small watershed in Shanxi in 2008 and 2010, the land cover change data was extracted and analysed to construct the Markov model. With the transition proba- bility matrix,we predicted the land use/cover change o[ Cha-kou small watershed in 2020. The results ind{cated that, according to the current development trend, the area of slope farmland and bare land would continue to reduce to 1348.81 hm2 and 763.54 hm2. The area of high forest and terraced fields would be gradually increased to 3985.74 hm2 and 1339.65 hm2. The projects of farmland improvement and returning the grain plots to forestry would make substan tial achievements. The ecological environment of the watershed would gradually get recovered and rebuilt, which would reduce soil and water loss.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)