
目标性意图与执行性意图调节情绪反应的效果比较 被引量:2

Implementation Intentions and Goal Intentions Regulate Emotional Response
摘要 目标性意图和执行性意图作为目标的不同形式,对情绪调节的影响有待探讨。本研究试图考察目标性意图和执行性意图与表达抑制相结合之后,在调节情绪反应方面的作用。实验采用主观报告和生物反馈的方法对58名大学生进行测试。结果发现:(1)执行性意图组被试在观看负性和中性图片时对自身情绪唤醒度的评价均显著低于目标性意图组,在观看负性图片时其情绪唤醒度也显著低于控制组。(2)执行性意图组被试在各项生理反应指标上均显著低于目标性意图组和控制组,主要表现为形成执行性意图的个体在皮肤电导增加量、皮温降低量和指脉增加量上均显著低于形成目标性意图或不形成任何意图的个体。上述结果表明,相较于仅仅给出情绪体验下调目标的目标性意图,与表达抑制结合在一起的执行性意图能有效下调个体的负性情绪反应。 By adopting the subjective report and biofeedback mea- surement, this present study intended to investigate how goal intentions and implementation intentions influence the emotion down-regnlation while combined with expressive suppression. The results showed: ( 1 ) when the subjects were watching negative and neutral pictures, compared to the goal intention group, the subjects of implementation intention group tended to give a signifi- cantly lower estimation to their own emotional awaking; (2) All the physiological indexes of subjects of imple- mentation intention group were significantly lower than those of the goal intention group and control group,showing that the increments of skin conductance, the decrease of finger temperature and the increment of pulse of the subjects forming implementation intention were significantly lower than those of the subjects forming goal intention or no self-regulation intention. Taken together, the results suggest that the implementation in- tentions combined with the expressive suppression could effectively reduce individual negative emotional response.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2012年第1期3-12,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(20110491802) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目一般项目(11JCJY21YB)
关键词 执行性意图 目标性意图 表达抑制 情绪调节 Key words: implementation intentions, goal inten-tions, expressive suppression, emotion regulation
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