目的:编译中文版《负性行为问卷》(the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised,NAQ-R),并验证其信度和效度。方法:从挪威获得英文版负性行为问卷(NAQ-R),征得原作者同意后翻译成中文,请7位专家评定内容,并进行文化调试,形成中文版NAQ-R。选取符合条件的临床护士进行调查,检验问卷的信度和效度。结果:中文版NAQ-R由3个因子(个人相关负性行为、工作相关负性行为、组织不公)、23个条目构成,3个公因子的累计贡献率为54.369%。问卷总分的Cronbach's α系数为0.915,各条目重测相关系数为0.814~0.898(P<0.001),总分的相关系数为0.883(P<0.001)。中文版NAQ-R的折半信度系数为0.898。结论:中文版NAQ-R具有良好的信度和效度,可作为研究工作场所欺负的测量工具。
Objective: To translate the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NAQ-R) into Chinese and test the validity and reliability of the instrument. Methods: We translated the English version NAQ-R from Norway to Chinese with original author consent, using a panel of seven experts to test content validity and to do culture adjustment. The reliability and validity of Chinese version NAQ-R was tested on a sample of 242 clinical nurses in China. Results: Factor analysis supported the Chinese version NAQ-R being composed of 23 items and three subscales (person-related negative act, work-related negative act, and organizational injustice) with an explained variance of 54.369%. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the NAQ-R was 0.915. Test-retest reliability was 0.883 for the total scale and 0.814-0.898 for each item. Split-half reliability was 0.898. Conclusion:The Chinese version NAQ-R can be considered reliable and valid scale for assessing the bullying at work.
Chinese Nursing Management
bullying at work
Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised