
创新人才战略下仿真LT环境建设研究与实践 被引量:4

The Study and Practice in Constructing the Simulated Target Language Environment for the Implementation of the Innovative Talents Strategies
摘要 缺乏良好的LT(目的语,Target Language)环境是中国英语教育的最大困境之一,也是我国英语教学质量长期以来费事多、收效低的一个重要原因。根据二语习得研究中的相关理论,将指导性习得、自主性习得和自然性习得融入基于课堂与计算机的英语教学新模式,三种习得分别通过基于课堂的合作学习、自主学习、研究性学习和体验式学习(I-CARE)、基于计算机的网络自主学习和基于课外活动的"每每工程"实现,仿真LT习得环境有利于提高学生的英语综合运用能力,有利于培养具有优秀外语素质的创新人才。 The lack of target language environment is one of the most serious dilemmas in the English language education in China, ranking as a significant factor in the low efficiency of English language teaching although great efforts have been made. In accordance with the relevant SLA (Second Language Acquisition) theories, the new English teaching model based on the class and the computer is designed by integrating guided acquisition, autonomous acquisition, and natural acquisition, which are incarnated by in-class CARE (Cooperative learning, Autonomous learning, Research-based learning, and Experiential learning), the computer network autonomous learning and the "daily, weekly, and monthly project" in extracurricular activities. Such a simulated environment is helpful for improving students' comprehensive English skills and in cultivating outstanding innovative talents with good mastery of English.
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期78-84,共7页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 2009年度国家社会科学基金项目“大学英语学习可持续发展能力的I-CARE培养策略研究”阶段性成果(09BYY072) 2010年度河北省哲学社会科学规划办公室基金项目“创新人才战略下目的语习得环境建设之实证研究”研究成果(HB10VJY015)
关键词 创新人才 大学英语 新模式 LT环境 innovative talents college English language teaching new model target language environment
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