
种植体支抗口内控制猴上颌骨生长发育的实验研究 被引量:2

Inhibition of maxillary growth in rhesus monkeys using intra-oral titanium implants
摘要 目的研究种植体支抗口内控制上颌生长发育的可行性及效果。方法选用33-39月龄混合牙列雄性恒河猴4只,随机分为对照组,5周组,10周组,15周组。于双侧颧骨及上颌骨分别种植L形钛板及种植钉,两侧钛板与种植钉间分别用镍钛拉簧进行加力。对治疗前后面相、模型测量及X线头影测量的结果进行对比研究。结果实验期间,种植体保持稳定;各实验组前牙均出现覆盖的显著性减少;硬腭中点至上切牙中点距离减小;ANB角减小。结论口内应用种植体支抗控制生长发育期猴上颌骨生长的方法具有一定的可行性。为临床中对生长发育期上颌前突畸形的矫形治疗提供了一种新思路。 Objective To investigate the feasibility and effect of titanium implants on inhibition of maxillary growth. Methods Four male rhesus monkeys (33-39 months old) with mixed dentition were randomly assigned to 4 groups: control group, 5 week group, 10 week group, and 15 week group. L-shaped titanium miniplates were fixed on both sides of zygomatic bones and titanium miniscrew implants were implanted in the maxillary bones. Nickel-titanium extension spring was used between the miniplate and the miniserew implants on each side. Facial characters, model measurements, and X-ray cephalometric measurements were analyzed before and after treatments. Results The implants kept stable during the experiment. The decrease of overjet was observed in all 3 experimental groups. The distance between the midpoint of the palate and the midpoint of upper incisors was reduced. ANB angle decreased. Conclusions Intra-oral titanium implantation was a feasible and effective approach to inhibit the maxillary growth in growing rhesus monkeys.
出处 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 2012年第2期75-78,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
基金 首都医学发展科研基金(2005-2017)
关键词 种植支抗 上颌生长 动物模型 Implant anchorage Maxillary growth Animal model
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