
种植体支抗后牵引上颌骨颅颌面结构变化的动物实验研究 被引量:7

Dentofacial changes after maxilla retraction with zygomatic implant anchorage-a rhesus monkey study
摘要 目的评价种植体支抗后牵引上颌骨对颅颌面的矫形作用。方法生长发育期恒河猴4只,3只用于研究(1只牵引1.5月、2只牵引3月),1只作为对照;采用颧骨微钛板种植体支抗后牵引上颌骨,铸造固位夹板粘接于上颌第一恒磨牙、第二乳磨牙及切牙上,牵引力值每侧1.47N(150克),方向与(牙合)平面平行;对实验前后X线头影测量进行对比分析。结果实验动物A点后移,1.5月组1mm,3月组平均2.5mm;SNA减小,1.5月组1°,3月组平均3.5°。1.5月组前牙覆盖减小3.5mm,其中骨效应大于牙齿效应(2.5:1);磨牙关系改变为3mm,骨效应大于牙齿效应(5:1);上颌效应大于下颌效应(2.5:1)。3月组平均前牙覆盖减小6.25mm,其中骨效应大于牙齿效应(1.8:1);磨牙关系改变为5mm,骨效应大于牙齿效应(4:1);上颌的作用大于下颌(5.7:1)。结论颧骨微钛板种植体能够提供稳定的支抗后牵引上颌骨,不仅抑制上颌骨向前生长,而且使上颌骨向远中移动,同时伴有逆时针方向的旋转。 Objective To study the dentofacial changes caused by retractive force with zygomatic implant to the maxilla of rhesus monkeys. Methods 4 young male rhesuses were employed, 3 experimented (l for 1. 5 month and 2 for 3 months), and 1 as control. Titanium miniplates were fixed on the bilateral zygomatic bones as an anchorage, the maxillary cast splint was anchored in cisors, second deciduous molars and firsr molars. A retractive force of 150g was exerted on each side with a direction parallel to an occlusal plane. Cephalometric comparison was analysed between the beginning and the end of experiment. Results A point was moved backward as measured by A-OLP distance, which was decreased by 1 mm(1. 5M) and 2. 5 mm(3M). SNA angle was decreased by 1 degree (1. 5M) and 3. 5 degree (3M). These morphological changes in mutual relationships of maxillofacial skeleton and inter-maxillary arch were demonstrated with the overjet decreased by 3.5 mm(1. 5M) and average 6. 25 mm(3M) with the ratio of skeletal to dental effects 2.5 : 1 (1. 5M) and 1. 8 : 1 (3M); the molar occlusal changes were found to develop 5 mm distalization with the ratio of skeletal to dental effects 5 : 1 (1.5M) and 4 : 1 (3M); maxillary effects stronger than mandibular effects in the ratio of 2.5 to 1 (1.5M) and 5.7 to 1 (3M). Conclusions Zygomatic implant can be utilized as an anchorage not only to inhibit maxilla from growing forward but also to retract maxilla distally with some counterclockwise rotation.
出处 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 2009年第1期9-12,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
基金 基金项目:云南省科技厅联合专项基金项目(2007C206R)
关键词 种植体支抗 上颌骨 后牵引 动物实验 Implant anchorage Maxilla Retractive Forces Animal experiment
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