根据浙江省海岛资源调查资料 ,对台州列岛海域的贝类作了统计分析。结果表明 ,该区共发现贝类 46种 ,隶属 2纲 8目 2 4科。种类组成以广温广布种为主 ,其次为亚热带种 ,暖温带种和热带种所占的比例较少。全区平均生物量为 1 8.0 6g/m2 ,平均栖息密度为 2 67.1 6个 /m2 。数量季节变化显著。这些特征与海流、沉积物等环境因子密切相关。
Based on the data from the investigation of marine resources around islands in Zhejiang Province,statistical analysis for shellfish around Taizhou Islands was made,in which4 6species were found.They belong to8orders and2 4 families.Eurytropic species made up54.3 5% and subtropic species2 6.0 9% .In the area,average biomass was1 8.0 6 g/ m2 and density was2 67.1 6ind/ m2 .Seasonal variation was obvious(both in biomass and density) .Their relations to the enviromental factors were discussed.
Donghai Marine Science