报道了舟山群岛邻近海域未发生赤潮与发生赤潮时的微、小型浮游植物组成、数量分布、赤潮生物种类与环境的关系。舟山群岛邻近海域共有浮游植物 1 69种 ,其中赤潮生物为 59种。赤潮发生时比未发生赤潮时水域的浮游植物密度高 1 0~ 1 0 0个 /dm3,浮游植物密度与硅酸盐、硝酸盐浓度成负相关 ,与溶解氧和透明度成正相关。平均浮游植物密度 :春季表层水样为4.5× 1 0 4 个 /dm3,底层水样为 5.2× 1 0 3个 /dm3,网样为 2 .7× 1 0 5个 /m3;秋季网样为 3.7× 1 0 6个 /m3。表层水样的赤潮生物优势种 :春季为微型的三鳍原甲藻 ,平均细胞密度为 3.3× 1 0 5个/dm3,占总细胞密度的 77.2 % ;秋季为微型的中肋骨条藻 ,平均密度为 2 .7× 1 0 3个 /dm3,占总细胞密度的 72 .2 %。三鳍原甲藻、海洋原甲藻、夜光藻等为浙江舟山群岛邻近海域常见的有害赤潮生物。
This paper reports the species composition and cell densities of nano-and micro- phytoplankton causative species of red tide and the relationships with environmental fac- tors both in phytoplankton bloom waters and general waters off the Zhoushan Islands (2 9° 0 4′0 5″~ 3 0°3 7′2 4″N,1 2 1°3 7′0 8″~ 1 2 2°4 4′0 6″E) in May and October,1 990 .1 69species belong to54genera were identified in total.Among them,59were red tide causative species.The mean phytoplankton density in the harmful species bloom waters in spring(n = 3 8) was4 .5× 1 0 4 cells/ dm3,and dominant harmful phytoplankton bloom species in spring was Prorocentrum triestinum of<2 0 μm and mean density was3 .3× 1 0 5cells/ dm3. The mean phytoplankton density in general sea waters in autumn was3 .7× 1 0 3cells/ dm3 and the dominantspecies was Skeletonema costatum of<2 0 μm and mean density was2 .7 × 1 0 3cells/ dm3.The density in red tide waters was1 0~ 1 0 0 cells/ dm3higher than thatin general sea waters,and in red tide waters,where phytoplankton density showed a distinct correlationship with the nutrient contents of which silicate-Si and nitrate-N was negative while transparency and O2 was positive.Prorocentrum triestinum,Prorocentrum micansand Noctiluca scintillans etc.were common harmful species of red tide organism in Zhoushan sea areas.
Donghai Marine Science
浙江省自然科学基金! ( 3 93 0 68)
nano-and microphytoplankton
causative species of red tide
off Zhoushan Is- lands