目的本文研究宙斯(zeus)麻醉机涡轮增压喷射式给药方式对血流动力学的调控能力,以评价宙斯麻醉机自动控制模式的麻醉效率。方法选择腹部外科手术病人60例,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,分为实验组和对照组。两组快速诱导气管插管,接宙斯麻醉机,控制在1.0 MAC维持10 min,血压升至基线20%以上时,加深麻醉,控制1.4 MAC、1.8 MAC各5 min(控制血压在基线上10%以下视为控制成功),如未成功则追加芬太尼。实验组采用全紧闭回路自动控制模式,对照组半紧闭麻醉新鲜氧气流量2.0 L/min。结果实验组有28例成功,有2例需要追加芬太尼;对照组有27例成功,有3例需要追加芬太尼。两组比较没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论宙斯麻醉机的涡轮增压喷射式给药方式,在临床全紧闭麻醉中对麻醉深度的控制获得满意的麻醉效果。
Objective To study on blood kinetic control of Zeus Anesthesia machine with Turbo spray and assess its anesthesia effect. Methods 60 cases of abdominal operative patient were divided into two groups of ASA I II. Connection of Zeus machine with MAC 1.0 for 10rain. regulated with 1.4MAC or fentanyl. The test group was closed atuo mode. Results There was no significant difference between two groups with 28/2 and 27/3. Conclu- sion The Zeus machie could control the depth of anesthesia during operation.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal