The amplitude acquisition and test method of the high frequency two-way pulse is put forward based on the SOC.First,the high frequency two-way pulse signal is changed to a voltage signal whose amplitude range 0 to 2.4 V after attenuation,filtering and translation.Second,process the voltage signal through the core chip.Third,display the data on computer in real-time through the serial communication.In data processing,the median filtering is combined with the thought of least square.Filter the noise of the acquisition signal and restore the original value of the input signal.The design implements the amplitude collection of the high frequency two-way pulse in low power consumption,high precision and real-time collection.This paper introduces the acquisition solution of the high frequency two-way pulse and the realization method of the hardware and the software.This design method used in the test of the flame detector can improve the efficiency and accuracy.It has great significance for the production and research of the flame detector.
Electronic Measurement Technology
the high frequency two-way pulse
data acquisition
low power consumption