对西安高新区主要绿地的树种组成、水平结构和垂直结构等进行调查。计算得出8个样地的树种丰富度Margalef指数(R)值为1.674 3~2.670 5,多样性Shannon-Wiener指数(H)值为1.054 9~2.231 6,均匀度Pielou指数(J)值为0.693 1~0.968 8,和单调度Simpson指数(M)值为0.125~0.413 6。8个样地的群落密度在130~1 000株/hm2,聚集度指数值为0.4~1.72之间。覆盖度在0.124~1.32之间。8个样地的第一林层比例在14.20%~72.20%之间,第二林层比例在20%~45.50%之间,第三林层比例在0~50%之间。针对高新区园林绿地的结构特征,作者提出了绿地建设的建议。
survey indexes of the composition of species features, level features, and vertical features in Xian Gaoxing Area Demonstration Zone Green. By calculating the indexes of the eight samples, the species richness:Margalef index (R) value is 1. 674 3-2. 670 5; diversity: Shannon- Wiener index (H) value is 1. 054 9-2. 231 6;evenness .Pielou index (J) value is 0. 693 1-0. 968 8, and single scheduling:Simpson index (M) value is 0. 125-0. 413 6. The community density value of the 8 sam ples is 130-1,000 plants/hectare; gathered degrees value is 0.4-1.72; Coverage value is 0. 124- 1.32. The first layer of plants of the 8 samples is between 14.20%-72.20%, the second layer is 20%-45.50% ,and the third layer is 0-50%,
Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology