利用连续发射频率调制(Continuously Transmitted Frequency Modulation,CTFM)方法实现障碍物等目标探测,是一种实用且十分有效的导盲手段。根据CTFM原理研制了一种超声波导盲系统,将目标距离、尺寸等空间信息与输出声的音调、音量等声频特征相对应,结合系统指向,使用者可以通过听觉实现对周围空间环境的感知。结合系统工作原理及系统器件特点对超声波导盲系统的探测性能,包括指向性、探测距离、角度分辨率等,进行了深入研究和分析。研究表明,系统各项性能满足导盲功能要求,研究结果为下一步系统改进、参数优化以及全面开展盲人使用培训等工作提供了理论基础和指导。
Using CTFM sonar to detect objects is a practical and effective way to guide the blind. An ultrasonic blind guid- ance system is implemented based on the CTFM theory. The distance and size information of the object can be transformed to audio features such as tone and volume, combined with the pointing direction, the user can sense the surrounding spatial in- formation by hearing the audio signal output of the system. The detecting performance, including directivity, detection range and distance resolution, angular range and angular resolution of the system is analyzed in this paper. The analysis indicates the performance of the system meet the requirement of blind guiding. The results of the study provide basis and direction for improving and extension of the blind guidance system.
Audio Engineering