
汉语疑问代词的不定代词用法 被引量:2

Usages of Chinese Wh-words as Indefinite Pronouns
摘要 在汉语中,典型的疑问代词"什么、谁、哪"可以解释为疑问用法,也可以解释为非疑问用法。不定代词用法(意如"某、任何")是非疑问用法中最重要的一种。疑问wh词和不定wh词在中性语境中是自由使用的,但在其他语境中却受到特定的句法、语义和语用条件的限制。我们需要从不同的汉语语法平面来研究这些条件的详细内容,以此为有关问题提供一种新的认知解释方法。 In Chinese, the typical wh-words shenme, shui, and na can have a non-interrogatiw~ inter- pretation as well as an interrogative one. The most important one of the non-interrogative interpreta- tions is the one as an indefinite pronoun "some, any'. The occurrence of an interrogative wh- or an in- definite wh- is free in a neutral context, but subject to certain syntactic, semantic and pragmatic con- straints in other contexts. The paper concludes that the details of these constrains should receive care- ful studies at different layers of Chinese grammar, and proposes a new approach to the question for cognitive explanation.
出处 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2012年第3期47-57,共11页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University(Teaching & Studying Chinese as a Foreign Language Edition)
基金 上海市社科基金一般项目<基于一阶谓词逻辑和时间逻辑的现代汉语文本蕴涵识别机制研究>(2010BYY002)
关键词 疑问代词 疑问用法 不定代词用法 三维语法平面 interrogative pronouns interrogative interpretation usages of indefinite pronouns three layers of grammar
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