目的 筛查出生缺陷发生风险因素,预防出生缺陷的发生、提高出生人口素质.方法 在河北省"15个国家免费孕前优生健康检查"项目试点县(市)经过统一培训,按照〈河北省开展免费孕前优生健康检查工作实施方案〉要求,参加免费孕前优生健康检查夫妇签署知情同意书,由专人负责检查和填写〈孕前优生健康检查技术服务手册〉,各县成立专家组进行风险评估和优生咨询指导.结果 河北省15个县(市)共有200 137例接受有关优生优育和孕前优生健康教育,157 885例接受免费孕前优生健康检查,筛查出高风险人群20 775例,占13.2 %;早孕随访率为31.5 %.结论 通过免费孕前优生健康检查工作,提升了计划生育系统的技术服务能力和水平,提高了育龄群众的优生优育意识,为探索筛查出生缺陷高风险人群、出生缺陷风险因素及降低出生缺陷发生率提供了依据.
Objective To identify risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes with emphases on birth defects in pre-pregnant populations. Methods Staff from family planning service stations in fifteen national pilot counties where the free pre-pregnaney physical examination was carried out were trained. Couples who planned to become pregnant were invited to participate in the free pre-pregnant examination after signing an informed consent agreement. The examination, risk assessment, and counseling were performed by trained staff. Results A total of 200 137 men and women received repro- ductive health education and counseling. Of these participants, 157 885 received free pre-pregnancy physical examination and 20 775 ( 13.2 % ) individuals were found to have one or more risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. 31.5 % women who became pregnant following the examination received prenatal care in the first trimester, and those with risk factors were provided targeted care. Conclusion A large proportion of women and their partners had factors that may be associated with risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes including birth defects. Free pre-pregnancy physical examination is a good measure to identify these factors so that risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes could be eliminated or reduced through education, counseling, and health promotion.
Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health
Perieonceptional care
Reproductive health
Physical examination