在理想量子气体概念的基础上 ,首先建立极端相对论理想量子气体的物理模型 ;再根据极端相对论的态密度和量子统计的粒子数、能量的密度结论 ,通过严格的理论推导 ,得出理想量子气体在高温条件下的极端相对论性的焓、内能和热容量的结果 ,并将其热容量与高温条件下的理想量子气体、经典理想气体的热容量对比 ,指出极端相对论与非相对论两种模型、理想量子气体与经典理想气体两种模型的热容量之间的差异 ,同时分析这些差异的物理原因在于各自气体模型的态密度以及对应体系的波函数的对称性 ;最后阐明高温条件下极端相对论理想量子气体的热容量在量子统计方面的先进性及应用前景 .
On the basis of the concept of perfect quantum gas, a physical model of extreme relativity is established for perfect quantum gas, and also according to the conclusions of the state density of the extreme theory of relativity, the densities of quantum statistics′ particle numbers and energy, the extreme relativity′s result of the enthalpy、internal energy and heat capacity of the perfect quantum gas is obtained under the high temperature by strict theory inference. The heat capacity mentioned above is then compared with the heat capacity of the perfect quantum gas and classical perfect gas under the high temperature. It points out the differences between the heat capacity of the two models of the extremen relativity and nonrelativity, and the differences between heat capacity of the two models of perfect quantum gas and classicals perfect gas. It explains the differences of physics′ cause which exists in the state density of separate gas models and symmetry of the corresponding systematic wave function. Finally it clarifies the advance in quantum statistics and the practical prospect of heat capacity of the extreme relativity′s perfect quantum gas under high temperature.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology