本文深入研究了作为学者的闻一多学术品格形成的中外学术渊源 ,探讨了闻一多学术品格的现代性问题。闻一多把现代思维方式、现代学术观念和科学研究方法与中国传统学术研究方法相融合 ,形成了将东方和西方、科学性和诗性、传统学问和近现代自然科学、社会科学完美结合的学术思想。在具体研究中 ,闻一多注重多学科的综合运用、微观的严谨与宏观的开阔 ,讲求研究的时代性与人民性 ,获得了鲜明的现代学术品格 。
This article explores what formed Wen Yi duo's academic quality. According to it, Wen Yi duo combined modern modes of thoughts, modern academic ideas and research methods with traditional Chinese learning, evolved his own academic thought through the perfect integration of the oriental culture with the western culture, science with poetry, traditional learning with modern social sciences. In practical research, he paid much attention to the synthetic application of various branches of learning and created great works that met both the needs of the time and the people. In addition, he also inherited traditional Chinese culture and thus occupied an important position and played an important role in the historical development of Chinese literary thoughts.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences