背景:镍铬合金烤瓷材料因价格低廉被广大患者所接受,有50%以上的患者选择镍铬合金烤瓷牙。由于材料长期存在于电解质环境中,镍离子的析出可能会导致部分患者产生过敏现象,有效提高镍铬合金材料的生物安全性需要得到重视。目的:利用CNKI数据库文献检索和深度分析功能,对镍铬合金材料与口腔软组织生物相容性的文献资料趋势进行多层次探讨分析。设计:文献计量学分析。资料提取:采用检索词为"镍铬合金(Ni-Cr alloy);生物材料(biomaterials);生物相容性(biocompatibility)",检索CNKI数据库2002-01/2011-12有关镍铬合金材料与口腔软组织生物相容性的文献,对检索的相关文献运用数据库中自带的分析功能和Excel软件绘制图表的功能进行分析,通过文字和图表的形式将统计和计量数据进行描述其分布特征的分析。入选标准:纳入标准:①与镍铬合金材料相关的基础研究论文。②与镍铬合金材料临床应用相关的论文。③与镍铬合金材料生物相容性相关的研究论文。排除标准:①与文章目的无关的文献。②重复研究的文献。③刊社信息。④未发表的文章。⑤需电话追踪和手工检索逐一分析的文章。⑥年鉴。主要数据判定指标:分析来源于CNKI学术期刊数据库文献出版时间、文献数量、学科类别、研究机构、来源期刊、文献被引频次、文献下载频次、关联文献、作者分布、主要关键词和基金资助情况,分析CNKI数据库中博士学位论文、优秀硕士学位论文、重要会议论文和专利技术以及镍铬合金材料与口腔软组织生物相容性研究的数据结果。结果:在CNKI数据库学术期刊收录2002/2011的文献中,共检索到107篇与镍铬合金材料口腔软组织生物相容性研究相关的文献。文献数量产出趋于上升趋势,最多的时间在2007年共18篇;《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志发表文献量较多为8
BACKGROUND: Ni-Cr alloy ceramic materials are accepted by the majority of patients due to the low prices, and more than 50% of patients choose the Ni-Cr alloy porcelain teeth. Due to the materials persisting in the electrolyte environment, precipitation of nickel ions can cause allergy in some patients. How to improve the biological safety of Ni-Cr alloy materials arises more attention. OBJECTIVE: Using CNKI database literature search and the depth of analysis capabilities, to explore the literature data trends in the study of biocompatibility of Ni-Cr alloy materials and oral soft tissue. DESIGN: Bibliometric data analysis. DATA RETRIEVAL: A search of related literature of biocompatibility of Ni-Cr alloy materials and oral soft tissue was performed in CNKI database using the key words of "Ni-Cr alloy", "biomaterials" and "biocompatibility", during 2002 01 to 2011 12. Own database analysis capabilities and Excel charting functions were used to retrieve literature analysis; through the form of text and charts, the data were analyzed to describe the distribution characteristics. SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusive criteria: (1)Basic research papers related to Ni-Cr alloy materials.(2)Papers related to the clinical application of Ni-Cr alloy materials. (3)Research papers related to biocompatibility of Ni-Cr alloy materials. Exclusive criteria: (1)Literature has nothing to do with the purpose of this review. (2)Duplication of research literature. (3)Journal's own information. (4)Unpublished papers. (5)The article need telephone follow up to analyze and manual searches. (6)Year book. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: In CNKI database, academic journal articles published year, literature number, subject category, research institutions, source journals, literature citations, literature download frequency, associated literature, distribution of the author, distribution of the fund and major keywords were analyzed, the Ph.D. thesis, outstanding master's degree papers,
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research