为了研究9种鹤类的DNA条形码,采用DNA条形码鸟类通用引物扩增中国4种鹤类(22个个体)的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因。从GenBank及BOLD Systems下载13条鹤类的COI基因序列,对35条COI序列进行分析,构建NJ树和MP树,探讨DNA条形码对鹤类的识别和鉴定。结果显示,丹顶鹤群体中,除D1和B18号个体外,均被归为同一类群;白鹤群体中,编号为AY567881的个体与黑鹤划为同一类群;其余鹤类的系统发育分析结果均与形态学分类结果相同。由于丹顶鹤样本均取自沈阳森林野生动物园,所以是同一物种或是近缘物种杂交的可能性最大;白鹤较大的种内差异则可能是地理位置或是其他原因。
Cytochrome C oxidase subunit I(COI) gene was amplified in 4 species of crane(22 individuals) by PCR with bird universal primers in order to study DNA barcodes of 9 species of crane.13 COI gene sequences of crane were downloaded from GenBank and BOLD Systems,totally 35 COI gene sequences were studied and build Neighbor-joining tree and Maximum parsimony tree to explore whether the DNA barcodes could distinguish between these species.The result shows that among the red-crowned crane group all were in the same class besides D1 and B18;in the group of white crane,the individual codes AY567881 was in the same class of black crane;the result of phylogenesis analysis about other cranes was equal to the morphological classification result.The most possibility of the result maybe they were the same species or hybridize in related species because red-crowned cranes were all obtained from Shenyang Forest Wild Animal Zoo;The bigger difference in species of white crane probably cause by geography position or other reasons.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin