
自升式平台分段吊耳模型计算实验研究 被引量:2

Research of Computational Experiments of Lug Model in the Segmentation of Jack-up Platform
摘要 本文旨在研究自升式平台分段吊装过程中关于吊耳模型探索性计算实验的问题。在海洋平台结构设计和安装的过程中,吊装作业是重要的分析内容之一。本文采用有限元模拟的方法,以某60.96m桁架腿自升式平台为研究对象,考虑6#分段结构的吊装计算,并对自升式平台分段吊装作业过程进行建模分析,通过模拟不同简化程度的吊耳模型,结合计算结果进行分析,寻求最合理的简化方法。 The research aims at tackling the problem of the exploratory computational experiments about the lifting lug during the course of conducting the jack-up platform. While in the process of designing and manufacturing of ocean engineering structure, hoisting is an im- portant analysis content. This issue uses the method of finite element,and researches 60.96 m leg Jack-up platform, considering the vertical loading detection, based on the perfection exert of ANSYS finite element software and CAD software, making the target detection to Jack-up platform segmental vertical loading. Through the real simulation of model in deferent simplification,searching for the simplification method which is most appropriate and reasonable.
出处 《中国海洋平台》 2012年第2期29-31,46,共4页 China offshore Platform
关键词 吊装 吊耳 简化模型 hoisting lifting lug simplified model
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