
中性粒细胞胞外诱捕网的研究进展 被引量:5

Current research development of neutrophil extracellular traps
摘要 中性粒细胞是体内固有免疫系统的主要成员之一,通过杀伤外来病原体来保护宿主。除了能够吞噬消灭病原体以外,中性粒细胞也能通过一种由颗粒蛋白和DNA构成的称作中性粒细胞胞外诱捕网(NETs)的结构来捕获病原体。总结近年来关于NETs的结构、产生及其生物学特性的研究进展,并设想NETs可能成为炎症和相关疾病治疗中新的研究靶点。 Neutrophils are one of the main players in the.innate immune system and actively contribute to host defense by killing pathogens. Added to their ability to eliminate microorganisms by phagocytosis, neutro- phils can also kill microbes by capturing them in extracellular structures consisting of granule proteins and DNA called neutrophil extraeellular traps (NETs). This review summarizes the recent advancements regarding the structure, production and biological relevance of NETs. Moreover, NETs might represent a therapeutic target in inflammation and host disorders.
出处 《国际免疫学杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期183-186,共4页 International Journal of Immunology
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金(LC2011C02) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(2011)
关键词 中性粒细胞胞外诱捕网 病原体 NETs Pathogens
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