炼油厂常规的3种制氢工艺为烃类蒸汽转化法(SMR)、原料部分氧化法(POX)和变压吸附法。介绍了煤制氢气技术的工艺方法、"三废"处理、及应用实例,并将煤制氢与天然气制氢的技术、经济指标进行了全面对比,结果表明,对于150 kt/a的煤气化制氢装置,煤的用量为1.3 Mt/a;若用天然气代替煤来生产氢气,则达到同样规模需要天然气510 kt/a。煤和天然气的价格分别以1 270和6 500 RMB$/t计算,则从原料成本看,煤制氢比天然气制氢低16.6×108RMB$/a。据Shell Global Solution的研究结果,国际油价在377.39 US$/m3以下时,天然气制氢更具有优势;国际油价在377.39~503.19 US$/m3时,煤制氢和天然气制氢的成本基本相当;当国际油价高于503.19US$/m3时,煤制氢的成本优势会随着原油价格上升表现得更为明显。惠州炼油分公司天然气制氢装置天然气原料平均价格为4.2 RMB$/m3,所生产的氢气成本为1.86×104RMB$/t;煤炭价格以到厂价950 RMB$/t计算,煤制氢的产氢价格应为1.4×104RMB$/t。可见,煤制氢成本远远低于天然气制氢。指出选择煤制氢技术生产氢气具有较强的抗风险能力和核心竞争力,是国内全加氢型炼油厂的发展方向。
3 common hydrogen generation processes i. e. steam methane reforming (SMR) process, POX process and pressure swing absorption (PSA) process are introduced. The coal to hydrogen process, wastes treatment and applications are described in detail. The comparison of technology and economic index of coal to hydrogen process and natural gas (NG) to hydrogen process shows that the coal requirement is 1.3 MM TPY for a 150,000 TPY coal to hydrogen unit, If NG is used to replace coal to produce hydrogen for the same ca- pacity, the required NG feed is 510,000 TPY. At a price of 1 270 Yuan RMB per ton of coal and 6 500 Yuan RMB per ton of NG, the cost of production of hydrogen from coal is 16.6-108 Yuan RMB/yr lower than that from NG. Based upon the study of Shell Global solution, production of hydrogen from NG is more advanta- geous when international crude oil price is lower than 377.39 US $/m3. When world crude oil price is at 377.39-503.19 US $/m3, the cost of production of hydrogen from coal is similar to that of from NG. When the world crude oil price is higher than 503.19 US $/m3, the coal to hydrogen becomes increasingly advantageous with the rising crude oil price. The average price of feed NG of NG hydrogen generation unit in Huizhou Refinery Company is 4.2 Yuan RMB/m3. The cost of hydrogen production is 18 600 Yuan RMB/t. When the in-plant coal price is 950 Yuan RMB/t, the cost of hydrogen production from coal is 14 000 Yuan RMB/t, which is greatly lower that that of hydrogen generation from NG. Therefore, the selection of coal to hydrogen process for hydrogen production, which offers a greater risk resistance and a higher eompetivity, is the right selection for the development of hydroprocessing refineries in China.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
hydrogen generation, coal to hydrogen, NG to hydrogen, hydroprocessing, technical eco- nomics, development orientation