目的 :探讨应用超高频超声检测烧伤部位真皮肿胀度和真皮—皮下界面突破情况与烧伤创面深度的关系。方法 :以病理组织学检查作为烧伤创面深度的诊断标准 ,应用 1 3MHZ超高频超声检测 41例烧伤患者 62个烧伤部位的真皮肿胀度和真皮—皮下界面是否突破。结果 :烧伤后 6小时内 ,2 7个部位浅Ⅱ°烧伤创面真皮肿胀度为32 75%± 1 3 2 3% ,2 0个部位深Ⅱ°烧伤创面真皮肿胀度为 76 0 9%± 1 5 88% ,Ⅱ°烧伤创面真皮—皮下界面完整 ,1 5个部位Ⅲ°创面真皮肿胀度为 1 50 46%± 2 4 0 6% ,且大部分Ⅲ°创面 ( 1 3/1 5)真皮—皮下界面被破坏。经统计学处理 ,三组间真皮肿胀度差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1 )。结论 :随着烧伤深度增加 ,真皮肿胀度亦增加 ,大部分Ⅲ°创面真皮—皮下界面被破坏。超高频超声作为一种无创、准确、客观的方法 ,可望在烧伤创面深度的诊断中得到广泛应用。
Objective: To investigate the application of ultra high frequency ultrasonic detection method in the determination of the dermal swelling degree, the condition of the destroyed dermo subcutaneous interface, and burn wound depth and their relationships. Method: Patho histological examination result was the criterion of the diagnosis of burn wound depth. 13 MHZ ultra high frequency ultrasonic detector was used to determine the dermal swelling degree and the condition of the dermo subcutaneous interface of 41 burn patients, involving 62 burn wounds. Results: Within 6 hours post burn, in 27 superficial second degree burn wounds, the degree of dermal swelling was 32.75±13.23%; in 20 deep second degree burn wounds, the degree of dermal swelling was 32.75±13.23%; in 20 deep second degree burn wounds, dermal swelling degree was 76.09±15.88%; in 15 third degree burn wounds, dermal swelling degree was 150.46±24.06% and in most of the third degree wounds (13/15) dermo subcutaneous interface was destroyed. Statistical analysis revealed that the difference in the degree of dermal swelling among the three groups was significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: The deeper the burn wound, the more serious the degree of dermal swelling. In third degree wounds, part of the dermo subcutaneous interface was destroyed. Ultra high frequency ultrasonic detection is a non damaging, accurate and objective method for determination of burn depth. It is expected to be widely applied. [
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers
湖南省卫生厅资助!(编号 972 8)
Burn wound depth Diagnosis Ultra high frequency ultrasonic detection Dermal swelling degree Dermo subcutaneous interface