目的 旨在进一步确认应用补益类中药 (慢支固本冲剂 )治疗慢性支气管炎非急性发作期的临床效果。方法 对319例慢性支气管炎患者进行临床观察 ,并以固本咳喘片治疗组103例患者作对照。在症状观察的同时 ,测定肺功能 ,体液及细胞免疫等有关指标。并进行治疗一年后的回顾性疗效随访。结果 临床总疗效治疗组明显优于对照组 (P<0.001) ;咳嗽、咯痰、喘息等主要症状与疗前比较有明显改善 ;T淋巴细胞转化率及转化较疗前明显增强 (P<0.01) ;FVC、FEV1、MMEF等肺功能变化指标有明显改善 (P<0.01~0.001) ;随访组 ,患者急性发作次数较对照组明显减少。结论 慢支固本冲剂治疗慢性气管炎有较稳定的疗效 ,宜于临床推广应用。
砄bjective To explore the clinical efficacy of Guben Granule on 319 chronic bronchitis cases without acute attacks. Methods 319 chronic bronchitis cases were treated with Guben granule while another 103 chronic bronchitis cases were treated with Guben Tablet (control group).Measurements and statistical analyses were made between the two groups on the lung function (FVC,FEV1,MMEF), immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, IgM) and cellular immune function ( ).Retrospective follow-up was made after one year to determine the therapeutic effectiveness. Results The total therapeutic effectiveness of the Guben granule group was much better than that of the control group (P<0.01) with relieved clinical symptoms such as cough , sputum and gasp. Lung functions(FVC,FEV1,MMEF) were greatly improved (P<0.01). T- lymphocyte transformation rate was raised. The follow-up revealed less acute attacks in the Guben granule group. Conclusion Guben granule was better in treating chronic bronchitis. 〔
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal