立足于矿井水资源化 ,论述了我国煤矿水资源防治与协调开发、资源保护的关系及应当采取的对策 ;指出必须提高矿井水的利用率 ,实行矿区水资源化的政策 ,东部大水矿区要排供结合 ,西部缺水地区要加强保水开采 ,有效保护水资源 ,从而实现矿区环境综合治理和煤矿可持续发展。
Mine water is a valuable resource. This article discusses the relations between the pollution prevention for coal mine water resources, coordinated development and protective measures to be adopted. The article points out that mine water utilization efficiency should be improved. For coal mines in the eastern part of China where water is affluent, water discharge should be complemented by water supply system while for coal mines in the western part of China where water is scarce, mine water should be better protected as valuable resources. Only in this way can the environment in coal mining areas be maintained in a comprehensive way and sustainable development be realized for coal mines.
China Coal