倾角是许多控制系统中需要测量的一个重要参数。针对倾角测量,设计了一种基于ARM微控制器和加速度传感器的角度测量平台。该平台采用基于ARM Cortex-M3内核的STM32F103VE为数据处理的核心,利用高精度加速度传感器MMA7361L为测角传感器,同时配置液晶屏和小型键盘实现了人机交互。该平台具有测量精度高、灵敏度高、价格低的特点,应用前景广阔。
Inclination is an important parameter to be measured in many control system. For angle measurement, the paper designs angle measurement platform based on ARM microcontroller and acceleration sensor. The platform uses ARM Cortex - M3 core STM32F103VE as the data processing core, uses high precision acceleration sensor MMA7361L as angle sensor, and supports LCD screen and small keyboard to achieve human-computer interaction. The platform has high accuracy, high sensitivity and low price, showing wide application prospect.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems