GPS卫星测量技术是测绘发展史上的一个里程碑 ,建立和发展局域差分全球性定位系统和广域差分全球定位系统是提高 GPS实时定位精度的有效手段。利用设在地面参考点上和飞机上的GPS接收机进行载波相位差分测量及区域网平差 ,可以满足多种比例尺航测成图对空中三角测量的精度要求。目前 ,RS、GIS与 GPS的集成技术是地球空间信息学研究的重要内容 ,三者综合利用 ,成为整体的实时的和动态的对地观测。
GPS satellite surveying technique is an important stone mark in surveying and mapping history. Building and developing LADGPS and WADGPS are effective means of improving GPS real time positioning accuracy .Using GPS receivers on ground points and in plane to adapt proper method, which can satisfy the needs of accuracy for aerial triangle survey on several scales .At present, the technique of RS、GIS and GPS integration is an important contents of geomatics researches. The comprehensive utilization of three technologies consists of a processing system of overall, real time and dynamic for earth observation, analysis and application.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application