基于商业催化剂的常用配方制备了0.73%V2O5-7.43%WO3-86.43%TiO2蜂窝式催化剂。主要原料包括:纳米级TiO2,偏钒酸铵溶液,CMC、PEO、乙醇胺、玻璃纤维、SiO2、丙三醇;制备过程包括溶液制备、捏合、练泥、陈腐、挤出、干燥和焙烧等步骤。活性评价和微观检测的结果表明,催化剂比表面积较大,机械强度接近国外类似产品,NO脱除率,NH3逃逸量,SO2氧化率均达到商业应用的要求,连续运行2.0×104 h,活性无明显下降。
Abstract: The 0. 73% V2O5-7.43%WO3-86. 43% TiO2 honeycomb SCR catalyst was prepared by industrialequipment based on Commercial formulation. The main raw material include nano-grade TiO2, ammoniummetavanadate solution, CMC, PEO, ethanolamine, glass fiber, SiO2, glycerine; and the prepare sequence was asfollow, solutin preparing, mixing, kneading, aging, extruding, drying and calcining. BET, XRD, SEM, XRF wereemployed to investigate the catalyst micro structure and the catalysts DeNOx performance under different- conditions were studied in bench scale SCR reactor. The experiment shows the honeycomb catalyst has large BET area, good textile construction and mechanical strength. NO removal efficiency, SO2 oxidation and NH3 slip of the catalysts can meet the commercial application requirement. There was no obvious change of the activityafter 2 000 hrs running.
Boiler Technology