
弹体高速侵彻混凝土质量侵蚀实验研究 被引量:10

Experimental Study of Projectile Mass Loss in High Velocity Penetration of Concrete Target
摘要 为研究弹体高速侵彻混凝土过程中质量侵蚀规律及特性,开展了一系列实验研究,进行了不同速度(800~1500m/s)侵彻不同强度(C30~C80)混凝土试验,根据试验结果拟合出了既定材料弹体质量侵蚀同侵彻速度之间的对应关系。试验结果还表明:(1)对于该种材料弹体,当侵彻速度小于1200m/s时,弹体侵蚀量不仅同Vs2(动能)呈线性关系,也随混凝土强度的提高而增加;(2)对于材料为60Si2Mn的弹体,其理想侵彻速度为1100m/s~1200m/s之间;高于该速度,质量侵蚀严重,弹体侵彻能力急剧下降;(3)弹体质量侵蚀主要发生在头部,当侵彻速度较低时,磨损是导致弹体质量损失的主要因素;当侵彻速度逐步提高,超过某临界值时,熔融和磨损是导致弹体质量损失主导因素。 In order to study the mass loss characteristics of projectile high velocity penetration in concrete target, a series of experiments was executed. Unconfined compression strength of concrete target and penetration velocity of projectile are ranging from C30 to C80 and from 800m/s to 1500m/s, respectively. According to experimental results, relation between the projectile's mass loss and thepenetration velocity was fitted. Experimental results indicate. (1) for tested projectile and when the penetration speed is lower than 1200 m/s, relation between the projectile mass loss and the square penetration speed V^2 is nearly linear, and the mass loss increases with the concrete strength; (2) The best penetration velocity is ranging 1100m/s to 1200m/s for projectile made of material 60Si2Mn; athigher velocity, the mass loss increases obviously and the penetration ability decreases raplctly; (3)mass loss occurs at the nose of projectile. When striking velocity is under 1200 m/s, friction is the main factor of mass loss. While melting and friction become main fectors when the striking velocity increases and exceeds a threshold.
出处 《实验力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期122-127,共6页 Journal of Experimental Mechanics
关键词 高速侵彻 质量侵蚀 试验研究 high velocity penetration mass loss experimental study
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