
弹体斜侵彻混凝土过程中的方向偏转 被引量:22

Transverse Deflection of Projectile Obliquely Penetrating into Concrete
摘要 利用152 mm轻气炮作加载手段,通过高速摄影系统及靶前镜面反射装置实验观测弹体着靶前飞行姿态及侵彻初期弹尾偏转姿态,得到了弹体着靶前的速度、进入弹坑段及滑移段的弹体速度变化以及在弹坑段水平和竖直方向上的姿态变化情况。提出了方向偏转周期的概念,明确了弹体斜侵彻混凝土材料过程中弹坑段、滑移段和弹洞段弹体的基本力学行为。结合实验数据,得到了方向偏转周期随侵角的变化规律,应用该规律结合半经验分析法能较好地预估斜侵彻弹体的侵深及方向偏转角。 A high-speed video camera and a reflector system in front of concrete target were used to investigate experimentally the flight altitude of projectile before it impacts a target and the transverse deflection angles of the projectile by using 152mm gas gun as a loading means.The velocities of projectile before impacting the target and the velocity variation and posture variation of the projectile during the cratering and slippage phases were obtained.A transverse deflection period concept was introduced to describe the basic mechanical behaviors of projectile in the initial cratering,slipping and penetration stages when it penetrated into the concrete.The relationship between the transverse deflection period and those characteristics was discussed.The depth of oblique penetration and the transverse deflection angle of a projectile can be suitably evaluated using transverse deflection period and dynamic cavity expansion model.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S2期301-304,共4页 Acta Armamentarii
关键词 方向偏转 混凝土 斜侵彻 transverse deflection concrete oblique penetration
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