Acta Academiae Medicinae Qingdao Universitatis
1FUKUDAS,KATOT,KAKITAH,et al.Hemodynamics of the cerebral arteries of infants with periventricular leukomalaci[J].Pediatrics,2006,117(1):128. 被引量:1
2CRAIG L,BEARDSLEY D J.Quantitative analysis of perina-tal rodent oligodendrocyte lineage progression and its correla-tion with human[J].Exp Neurol,2003,181(2):231-240. 被引量:1
3BACK S A,LUO N L.Late oligodendrocyte progenitors coin-cide with the developmental window of vulnerability for human perinatal white matter injury[J].Neurosci,2001,21(4):1302-1312. 被引量:1
4UEHARA H,YOSHIOKA H,KAWASE S L.A new model of white matter injury in neonatal rats with bilateral carotid ar-tery occlusion[J].Brain Res,1999,837(1-2):213-220. 被引量:1
5OLIVIER B M D,PAUL O M S.Prenatal ischemia and white matter damage in rats[J].Neuropathol Exp Neurol Nov,2005,64(11):998-1006. 被引量:1
6ROBINSON S,PETELENZ K.Developmental changes in-duced by graded prenatal systemic hypoxic-ischemic insults in rats[J].Neurobiol Dis,2005,18(3):568-581. 被引量:1
7EKLIND S.Bacterial endotoxin sensitizes the immature brainto hypoxic-ischaemic injury[J].Neurosci,2001,13(6):1101-1106. 被引量:1
8SHEN Y,PLANE J M,DENG W.Mouse models of periven-tricular leukomalacia[J].Vis Exp,2010,18(39):123. 被引量:1
9SARAH H.No phenotype associated with established lipopo-lysaccharide model for cerebral palsy[J].Am J Obstetrics Gy-necol,2005,192:727-733. 被引量:1
10AUDREY B C,Coumansl intracisternal application of endo-toxin enhances the susceptibility to subsequent hypoxic-ische-mic brain damage in neonatal rats[J].Pediatr Res,2003,53(5):770-775. 被引量:1
1周丛乐.早产儿脑室周围白质软化的发生与预后[J].小儿急救医学,2004,11(4):207-209. 被引量:13
2李晓捷,高晶,孙忠人.宫内感染致早产鼠脑瘫动物模型制备及其鉴定的实验研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2004,19(12):885-889. 被引量:75
3中华医学会儿科学分会新生儿学组.中国城市早产儿流行病学初步调查报告[J].中国当代儿科杂志,2005,7(1):25-28. 被引量:318
4周丛乐.影像学检查在早产儿脑损伤诊断中意义[J].临床儿科杂志,2006,24(3):170-172. 被引量:20
5Volpe JJ. Cerebral white matter injury of the premature infant-more common than you think [J]. Pediatrics,2003, 112(1 Pt1) : 176-180. 被引量:1
6Fukuda S, Kata T, Kakita H, et al. Hemodynamics of the cerebral arteries of infants with periventricular leukomalacia, Pediatrics,2006,117( 1 ), 1-8. 被引量:1
7Back SA. Volpe JJ. Cellular and molecular pathogenesis of periventricular white matter injury [J]. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev,2003,3(1) :96-107. 被引量:1
8Fukuda S, Kato T, Kakita H, etal, Hemodynamics of the cerebral arteries of infants with periventricular leukomalacia [J ]. Pedatrics, 2006,117 ( 1 ) : 1-8. 被引量:1
9Ju TC, Yang YT, Yang DI. Protective effects of S-nitrosoglutathione against neurotoxicity of 3-nitropropionic acid in rat [ J ]. Neurosci Lett, 2004,362 (3) : 226-231. 被引量:1
10Kinney HC. Human myelination and perinatal white matter disorders [J]. J Neurosci Sci, 2005,228 (2) : 190-192. 被引量:1
1ENGEL J. International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). A proposed diagnostic scheme for people with epileptic seizures and with epilepsy.- report of the ILAE task force on elassifica tion and terminology[J]. Epilepsia, 2001,42(6): 796 -803. 被引量:1
2AGRAWAL A, TIMOTHY J, PANDIT L, et al. Post trau- matic epilepsy: an overview[J]. Clinical Neurology and Neuro surgery, 2006,108(5) :433 -439. 被引量:1
3BURTON K J, ROGATHE J, WHITTAKER R, et al. Epi- lepsy in tanzanian children: association with perinatal events and other risk faetors[J]. Epilepsia, 2012,53(4):752-760. 被引量:1
4KRAVLJANAC R, DJURIC M, JOVIC N, et al. Etiology, clinical features and outcome of epilepsia partialis continua in cohort of 51 children[J]. Epilepsy Research, 2013,104(1/2) :112 -117. 被引量:1
5SELLNER J, TRINKA E. Clinical characteristics, risk factors and pre surgical evaluation of post-infectious epilepsy[J]. Eu ropean Journal of Neurology, 2013,20(3) :429 -439. 被引量:1
6MURTHY J M, PRABHAKAR S. Bacterial meningitis and epilepsy[J]. Epilepsia, 2008,49(6):8 -12. 被引量:1
7RAOL Y H, BA E C B, BROOKS KAYAL A R. Epilepsy af ter early-life seizures can be Independent of hippocampal injury [J]. Annals of Neurology, 2003,53(4) :503- 511. 被引量:1
8WHITEHEAD E, DODDS L, JOSEPH K S, et al. Relation of pregnancy and neonatal factors to subsequent development of childhood epilepsy: a population-based cohort study[J]. Pedi- atrics, 2006,117(43 : 1298-1306. 被引量:1
9LYNCH B A, I.AMBENG N, NOCKA K, et al. The synaptic vesicle protein SV2A is the binding site for the antiepileptic drug levetiracetam[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004, 101 (26): 9861-9866. 被引量:1
10李朝阳.围产期脑损伤与婴儿痉挛的关系分析[J].中国优生与遗传杂志,2010,18(2):61-62. 被引量:2
2侯金文,崔谊,崔凤玉,刘影,张杨,张凯.新生儿轻、中度缺血缺氧性脑病终期的MRI表现[J].山东大学学报(医学版),2005,43(3):264-266. 被引量:5
3彭小明,孙正香,高喜容,吴运芹,黄瑞文,闫淑媛.早产儿脑室周围白质软化28例临床高危因素分析[J].中国误诊学杂志,2007,7(22):5381-5382. 被引量:1
4沈盈,俞惠民.一氧化氮及诱导型一氧化氮合酶与早产儿脑室周围白质软化[J].国际儿科学杂志,2006,33(1):55-57. 被引量:2
5郑冬,王宗烨,任晔,费军,张朝利.脑白质疏松症的CT诊断价值[J].医学临床研究,2006,23(10):1588-1590. 被引量:3
6宋丽华,李素水,孙志刚,张红梅,宋雯,李军涛.围产期的应激因素与孤独症谱系障碍关系研究进展[J].临床精神医学杂志,2016,26(1):61-63. 被引量:2
7倪玲,张龙江(审校),卢光明(审校).肝性脑病的BOLD功能磁共振成像研究进展[J].国际医学放射学杂志,2013,36(3):222-225. 被引量:5
9陈勇,张选琴,楚兰.单纯脑白质疏松症患者的事件相关电位P300研究[J].贵阳医学院学报,2009,34(5):519-521. 被引量:1