目的比较皮质下缺血性抑郁和皮质下缺血性痴呆患者的抑郁症状。方法连续收集2008年9月至2011年3月间符合入选标准的70例皮质下缺血性血管病(subcortical ischemic vasculal disease,SIVD)患者,根据抑郁和痴呆的诊断标准及17项版汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression,HRSD)和简易智能状态检查(Mini-Mental State Examination,MMSE)分为无抑郁或痴呆组(29例)、抑郁组(19例)、痴呆组(12例)、抑郁伴痴呆组(10例)。应用HRSD对各组患者的抑郁症状进行评价,分析比较各组患者的抑郁症状的表现特点。结果 4组患者的年龄、性别比、社会经济因素及血管性危险因素的差异无统计学意义。就发生率,抑郁组以抑郁情绪(1 7例,89.5%)、精神性焦虑(16例,84.2%)、躯体性焦虑(15例,78.9%)最突出,而痴呆组和抑郁伴痴呆组以阻滞(8例,66.6%和9例,90.0%)最突出。就严重程度,除睡眠障碍外,抑郁组以焦虑躯体化症状[0.8(0.2,2)]最严重,而痴呆组和抑郁伴痴呆组以阻滞症状[1(0.3,1.8)和1.1(0.3,2)]最严重。抑郁组的抑郁程度较抑郁伴痴呆组更高(P=0.026)、焦虑躯体化更突出(P<0.01)。结论皮质下缺血性抑郁和皮质下缺血性痴呆及两者共存的患者的情绪损害特点存在着差异,皮质下缺血性抑郁较偏向于经典抑郁症所致情绪障碍,皮质下缺血性痴呆和皮质下缺血性抑郁伴皮质下缺血性痴呆的患者则较偏向于皮质下缺血性病变所致情绪障碍。
Objective To compare the depressive symptoms between patients with subcortical ischemic depression and patients with subcortical ischemic dementia.
Methods According to the diagnostic standards of depression and dementia, 17 items-Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression(HRSD) and Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE), 70 patients with subcortical ischemic vascular disease were divided into 4 groups such as without depression or dementia(29), with depression(19), with dementia(12), as well as with depression and dementia(10). Their prevalence of different depressive symptoms and cluster of items of Hamilton Depression Rating Score were assessed and compared each other with HRSD.
Results Four groups of patients had no significant differences in age, genaer, soclo-economlc factors, and vascular risk factors. In depression group, the most common symptoms were the depressed mood(17 cases, 89.5%) ,mental anxiety(16 cases, 84.2%), physical anxiety(15 cases, 78.9%) and in patients with dementia ,were retardation(8 cases, 66.6% and 9 cases, 90.0%, respectively). Except sleeping disorders, the most serious symptoms in depression group were anxiety/somatization[0.8(0.2, 2)] and in patients with dementia were retardation[1(0.3, 1.8) and 1.1(0.3, 2)] . The symptoms of depressed mood and anxiety/somatization in patients with depression were more serious than patients with depression and dementia(P=0.026 and P〈0.01).
Conclusion There are some differences in the characteristics of emotional damage in patients with subcortical ischemic depression or subcortical ischemic dementia or their coexistence. Relatively the mood disorders of subcortical ischemic depression were caused more by the classical depression and the latter more prefer to subcortical ischemic pathological change.
Chinese Journal of Stroke