
超声引导穿刺诊断疑是卵巢癌的盆腔结核价值分析 被引量:4

The Value of Ultrasound-guided Needle Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Pelvic Tuberculosis Suspected Ovarian Carcinoma
摘要 目的:评价超声引导穿刺诊断疑是卵巢癌的盆腔结核的价值,为盆腔结核的鉴别诊断寻找一种可靠、经济的方法。方法:对26例确诊为盆腔结核的患者进行回顾性分析,比较超声引导穿刺、腹腔镜或开腹手术诊断盆腔结核的诊断率及住院时间、费用等。结果:26例盆腔结核患者,行超声引导穿刺诊断14例,确诊13例,诊断率92.9%;行腹腔镜及开腹手术诊断6例、7例(其中1例为超声引导穿刺未确诊病例),均确诊,诊断率均100.0%,3组间诊断率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。超声引导穿刺组住院天数最短、住院费用以及患者术后不适感最低,各项均显著低于腹腔镜组和开腹手术组(P<0.05)。结论:女性盆腔结核与晚期卵巢癌鉴别诊断困难,若高度怀疑盆腔结核行超声引导穿刺是一种可靠、经济的诊断方法。 [ Abstract] Objective:To evaluate the value of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy in the diagnosis of pelvic tuberculosis suspected of ovarian carcinoma. Methods :26 patients diagnosed as pelvic tuberculosis by ultra- sound-guided needle biopsy, laparoscopy or laparotomy from October 2001 to October 2010 were retrospec- tively analyzed, the diagnostic accuracy and hospitalization cost and time of the three methods were com- pared. Results. Of the 26 patients, 14 had ultrasound-guided needle biopsy, 13 had accurate diagnosis, thediagnostic rate was 92.9%. 6 patients had accurate diagnosis by laparoscopy and ~ pat0ents Dy iaparotomy, the diagnostic rates were both 100%, there were no significant differences on the diagnostic rate among the three methods( P 〉 O. 05 ). The patients who had ultrasound guided needle biopsy had shortest hospital stay, the least inpatient cost and postoperative discomfort compared with the other two methods ( P 〈 O. 05). Conclusions.Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy is a reliable and economic diagnostic method when suspec- ting pelvic tuberculosis, especially when it is difficult to differentially diagnose with ovarian cancer.
出处 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期235-237,共3页 Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 盆腔结核 卵巢癌 超声引导 穿刺 Pelvic Tuberculosis Ovarian carcinoma Ultrasound-guided Needle Biopsy
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