This paper introduces the material property, precision grade and low starting torque behavior of the mixed ceramic bearings developed and manufactured by Dalian University of Technology and Dalian Dayou Precision Ceramic Beating Co., Ltd. The highest precision grade of the ceramic balls reaches up to G3. The highest surface roughness can be controlled under 5nm. The precision of the mixed ceramic bearings in large scale production reaches P4. Experiments show that the ceramic bearing gives one order smaller of the start-up torque than the corresponding steel beatings. The bearings have the high limiting rotation speed of 67000rpm under grease lubrication and give an operation life of 3-4 times than the corresponding steel beatings. The mixed ceramic beatings give the same level of precision as the imported beating products, but the cost of our ceramic beatings is only 50% of the imported ceramic bearings.
Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment
ceramic bearing, high-precision, low-friction