目的用winceph 8.0头影测量分析软件评价AngleⅡ2(安氏Ⅱ类2分类)错治疗前后软硬组织的变化,为临床矫治安氏Ⅱ类2分类错提供参考依据。方法郑州市随机挑选20例青少年安氏Ⅱ类2分类错采用直丝弓矫治技术,用Winceph8.0头影测量软件测量治疗前后软硬组织的变化,对数据进行SPSS 17.0统计分析。结果 SNB、ANB、颌凸角均值增大,有统计学意义;下颌平面角、Y轴角均值增大,但无统计学意义,上前牙唇倾,有统计学意义,下颌L1-MP角均值增大,但无统计学意义。面部全面高增大,主要是面下1/3增大。侧面部软组织H角减小,有统计学意义。结论青少年安氏Ⅱ类2分类错非拔牙矫治后软组织侧貌得到改善,生长有助于Ⅰ类磨牙、尖牙关系的建立。
Objective To use winceph 8.0 Cephalometric to evaluate Class II division 2 malocclusion in patients' soft tissue and bone,finding the changes before and after treatment.Methods Twenty patients randomly selected from Zhengzhou teenagers Class II division 2 categories with straight wire appliance with software measurement Winceph 8.0 cephalometric soft tissue and bone changes before and after treatment.All data were analyzed by using SPSS 17.0 software.Results The angle of SNB,ANB,jaw convex average increase was obviously,the anterior teeth went forword,the difference had statistically significant.Although the average was increased for mandibular plane angle,Y axis angle and L1-MP angle of mandible,they had no statistically significant.Comprehensive high increases,but the main part was at surface 1/3,moreover,the soft tissue side of H angle decreases.Conclusion The profiles of non-extraction patients after the treatment of Class II devision 2 malocclusion of teenagers are improved,it is good for the class I molars and canine teeth to setup the relationship.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine