
生长高峰前期与后期不同矢状骨面型上颌骨生长方向的研究 被引量:1

A study on maxillary growth vector with different sagittal skeletal malocclusion between pre-growth and post-growth spurts.
摘要 目的:研究生长高峰前期及后期,不同矢状骨面型,上颌骨生长方向的变化。方法:根据颈椎发育分期,选取处于CVS1、CVS2的96例及处于CVS5、CVS6的83例初诊患者为研究对象,其中生长高峰前期,骨性Ⅰ类32例、Ⅱ类33例、Ⅲ类31例;生长高峰后期,骨性Ⅰ类29例、Ⅱ类29例、Ⅲ类25例,均有治疗前的X线头颅侧位片,通过测量∠SN-C轴(θ),来研究矢状骨面型的上颌骨生长方向及生长因素对其的影响。结果:①生长高峰前期组,骨性Ⅱ类C轴角(θ)均值为47.14°,Ⅲ类为47.37°,Ⅰ类为48.42°,其中Ⅱ类C轴角与Ⅰ类之间差异有统计学意义(PⅠⅡ<0.05)。②生长高峰后期组,骨性Ⅲ类C轴角均值49.95°,骨性Ⅰ类为48.88°,骨性Ⅱ类为48.25°,骨性Ⅱ、Ⅲ类之间C轴角有统计学差异(PⅡⅢ<0.01)。③在生长发育过程中,骨性Ⅲ类C轴角平均增幅为2.59°(P<0.005),骨性Ⅱ类平均增幅为1.11°,骨性Ⅰ类为0.46°,骨性Ⅲ类C轴角明显增大,生长高峰前后期,C轴角差异有高度统计学意义。结论:①在生长过程中,骨性Ⅱ、Ⅲ类上颌骨垂直向生长明显,尤其是Ⅲ类,因此应在生长高峰期开始注意垂直距离的控制。②骨性Ⅱ类在高峰前期主要是矢状向的生长,因此针对上颌骨发育过度的矫形治疗应在高峰前期开始治疗。③在生长发育过程中骨性Ⅰ类上颌骨生长方向基本不变,垂直向和矢状向生长是协调的。 Objective:To figure out the differences of maxillary growth vector with various sagittal skeletal malocclusions between pre-and post-growth spurts.Method:one hundred and seventy nine cases with different sagittal skeletal malocclusions were selected and divided into six groups according to saggital skeletal patterns and cervical vertebral stages:CVS1,2-classⅠ(n=32),CVS1,2-classⅡ(n=33),CVS1,2-classⅢ(n=31);CVS5,6-classⅠ(n=29),CVS5,6-classⅡ(n=29),CVS5,6-classⅢ(n=25),which were all taken lateral cephalograms.The ∠SN-C axis(θ)was measured and observation and statics analysis were done to understand the differences of maxillary growth vector between pre-and post-growth spurts and differences among saggital skeletal patterns.Result:The vector of the growth axis,named by the angle SN-C axis,of skeletal class Ⅲ,increases from 47.37 degrees to 49.95 degrees with a mean 2.59-degrees increment.Of classⅡ,it increases from a mean of 47.14 degrees to 48.25 degrees with a mean 1.11-degrees increment,while of class Ⅰ,it increases from 48.42 degrees to 48.88 degrees with only 0.46 degrees increment.Conclusion:During circumpubertal period,different saggital skeletal patterns owns its unique increments of maxillary growth vector.In classⅢ,maxilla statically significantly growths vertically and the vertical increments of C-axis angle in classⅡ is much more than that in classⅠ.Also,C-axis angle of class Ⅰis relatively stable during growth period.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2011年第1期14-16,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 矢状骨面型 C轴 上颌骨生长方向 颈椎成熟度分级 sagittal skeletal patterns C axis maxillary growth vector cervical vertebral maturation stage(CVMS)
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