以阳朔大榕树景区和加拿大St.Jacobs Village作为案例地,通过实地调研获取一手数据,并采用比较分析的方法来探讨乡村旅游可持续发展问题。数据来源之问卷调查及深度访谈于2009年2月至8月在以上两个研究点进行。从"旅游产品的持续创新"、"传统与现代的平衡"、"居民社区与旅游发展"及"文化内涵的挖掘与延伸"4个不同的视角来展开讨论。注重比较中、加两国实践,并提出乡村旅游可持续发展的若干启示。
This paper takes Big Banyan Tree scenic area and St. Jacobs village, Canada as study sites. Based on the author's on --site investigation at the two sites, this paper explores on sustainable tourism via a comparative method. Questionnaires and in-- depth interviews were conducted from February to August 2009 at the two sites. This paper unfolds its discussion from four per- spectives: "continuing creativity in product strategy", "balancing tradition and modernity", "community--tourism relationship" and "excavating and promoting cultural connotation". Placing the emphasis on the different but sometimes similar Chinese and Canadian practices and the underlying mechanism beneath the practices, this study proposes suggestion for sustainable development of rural tourism at the end.
Tourism Forum