
卡马西平与奥卡西平用于原发性三叉神经痛的疗效与不良反应比较 被引量:3

Comparison of therapeutic and side effects of carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine for patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia
摘要 目的 比较卡马西平与奥卡西平治疗原发性三叉神经痛患者的疗效与不良反应.方法 采用双盲、随机对照的研究方法,选择门诊及住院的三叉神经痛患者60例,随机分为卡马西平组(K组)和奥卡西平组(()组),各30例.比较两组治疗前和治疗后1、2、4周时疼痛发作次数、持续时间、镇痛有效率、副作用.结果 两组患者治疗后的疼痛发作次数逐渐减少、疼痛持续时间缩短及疼痛缓解程度增加,但两组治疗后同一时间的上述指标相似,K组不良反应发生率明显高于O组(P〈o.05).结论 奥卡西平与卡马西平具有相似的治疗效果,但奥卡西平较卡马西平不良反应发生率低. Objective To compare the efficacy and side effects between carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine in the treatment for patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia. Methods Sixty outpatients and inpatients with primary trigeminal neuralgia were randomly divided into carbamazepine group (group K) and oxcarbazepine group (group O), 30 cases in each. The pain episodes and its duration, effective analgesic rate and incidence of side effects of pre-treatment and post-treatment 1, 2, 4 weeks were compared between the two groups. Results The pain episodes and its duration were decreased, the degree of pain relief was increased after the treatment,and the results were similar in both groups. The incidence of side effects in group K was higher than that in group O (P〈0.05). Conclusion Oxcarbazepine and carbamazepine have similar therapeutic effects. But compared with carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine has a low incidence of side effects.
出处 《实用疼痛学杂志》 2011年第6期428-430,共3页 Pain Clinic Journal
关键词 卡马西平 奥卡西平 三叉神经痛 治疗结果 Carbamazepine Oxcarbazepine Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment Outcome
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