
A型肉毒毒素治疗难治性三叉神经痛临床观察 被引量:6

A Study of Botulinum A Toxin Treatment of Intractable Trigeminal Neuralgia
摘要 目的:评价A型肉毒毒素(BTX-A)治疗难治性三叉神经痛的疗效。方法:选取难治性三叉神经痛患者6例,其中原发性5例,继发性1例。采用视觉模拟评分(VAS)于局部多点注射BTX-A,予治疗前及治疗后2周、2个月和6个月时进行疼痛测评。结果:VAS评分:BTX-A治疗前为(8.86±0.75)分;BTX-A注射后2周和2个月分别降至(1.00±1.26)分和(2.00±2.45)分,与治疗前比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);6个月时为(5.33±2.16)分,与治疗前比,差异仍有统计学意义(P<0.05)。6例患者均无明显并发症出现。结论:BTX-A注射治疗难治性三叉神经痛是一种安全有效的新疗法。 Aim:To investigate the effects of local injections of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) on patients with intractable trigeminal neuralgia. Methods:Six patients were treated with BTX-A. Five patients diagnosis were idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia,and only one was secondary. Visual analog scores(VAS) was utilized to measure the degree of the pain. VAS were measured at 2 weeks,2 months and 6 months after the treatment. Results:The VAS were 8.86±0.75 before the BTX-A treatment. The scores were 1.00±1.26(P0.05) and 2.00±2.45(P0.05) at 2 weeks and 2 months after the treatment,respectively. After 6 months VAS was 5.33±2.16(P0.05),there was significant statistical difference compared with the VAS before the treatment. No severe side effects were observed in the six patients. Conclusion:The study suggested that BTX-A may be an effective and novel means in the management of patients with trigeminal neuralgia.
出处 《中国临床神经科学》 2011年第1期32-35,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences
关键词 三叉神经痛 A型肉毒毒素 治疗 trigeminal neuralgia botulinum toxin type A treatment
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