目的:通过对本院急诊抗菌药物应用情况的调查分析,了解其应用现状,评价其合理性。方法:回顾性分析本院2011年内1—3月及8—10月的急诊处方,对抗菌药物使用情况进行审查、统计和分析。统计的内容包括抗菌药物联用情况、用药频度及药物利用指数。结果:1—3月的6 428张急诊处方中,使用抗菌药物的有2 058张,占处方总数的32.02%。8—10月的6 348张急诊处方中,使用抗菌药物的有1 262张,占处方总数的19.88%。使用频率最高的为头孢菌素类抗生素,药物DUI值均小于或等于1。结论:不合理用药问题需重视,用药情况基本符合急诊用药特点。
Objective : Analysis the use of antibiotics in department of emergency about Tianjin Municipal Haihe Hospital, understand its application status and evaluate its rationality. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 2011 January to March and August to October emergency prescription, Statistics and analysis the use of combined application of antibacterial drugs, DDDs and DUI. Results :There are 6 428 prescriptions from January to March. The use of antibacterial agents has 2 058 ,accounting for 32.02% of the total number of prescriptions. There are 6 348 prescriptions From August to October. The use of antibacterial agents has 1 262, accounting for 19.88% of the total number of prescriptions. Use the highest frequency for cephalosporin antibiotics and all of the DUI value less than or equal to 1. Conclusion: Medication is basically consistent with the characteristics of emergency medicine, irration- al drug use problems need to pay attention to.
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