目的探讨治疗前列腺增生合并膀胱结石安全、高效的手术方法。方法采用经尿道输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术联合经尿道等离子体前列腺电切术(PKRP)治疗BPH合并膀胱结石患者42例。结果 42例均一次手术成功,其中2例改开放取石,取石率100%,碎石时间15~55min,平均30min。前列腺电切时间30~110min,平均65min。术中、术后均未输血、无电切综合征、膀胱穿孔、结石残留及严重感染等并发症。术后4~6天拔除尿管,无排尿困难、尿失禁等,病理检查结果均为BPH。复查最大尿流率(Qmax)>15ml/s。结论经尿道输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术联合PKRP是治疗BPH并发膀胱结石的一种安全、高效的手术方法。
Objective To explore the safety and effectiveness of the combination of transurethral plasmakinetic resection with holmium laser in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)complicated with bladder calculi. Methods The data of 42 cases with BPH complicated with bladder calculi treated by holmium laser lithotripsy Combined with transurethral plasmakinetic resection was retrospective analysised.Results The operation was completed successfully in all cases,2 cases were choiced cystolithotomy in operation.The clearance rate of stone was 100%,The mean lithotripsy time was 30min (15 -45min),and mean PKRP time was 65 min(30- 110min),no blood transfusion, TIER syndrome,bladder perforrnation residual stone,or severe infection occurred during and after the operations.Urethral catheter was withdrawn 4 - 6 days postopration,none of the patients had urinary incontinence or dysuria.The diagnosis of BPH was confirmed by pathology examination,maximum urinary flow rate was over 15ml/s after the operation. Conclusion The combination of transurethral plasmakinetic resection with holmium laser in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia complicated with bladder calculi seems to be an effective and safe method.
Contemporary Medicine
Prostate hyperplasia
Bladder calculi
Transurethral plasmakinetic resection of prostate