
家庭禀赋、农民工回流与创业参与——来自湖北恩施州的经验证据 被引量:50

Family Endowment,Return Migration and Self-Entrepreneurship
摘要 本文运用湖北省恩施州的农户调查数据,系统地研究了家庭禀赋对农民工回流及回流后自主创业的影响。实证分析发现,家庭禀赋能够提升劳动力回流农村后的个人发展能力,对农民工回流以及回流后自主创业都有着重要的影响。与没有外出务工经历的农村劳动力相比,回流劳动力在农村可以更好地利用家庭禀赋,以获得更高的经济效率和投资回报,这也正是导致部分农民工回流农村的主要原因。丰富的家庭经济资本、家庭社会资本和家庭自然资本对于农民工回流有着促进作用,尤其会增加农民工回流后自主创业的可能性。通过家庭禀赋对农民工回流及返乡创业的积极效应,也反映出在农民工回流和返乡创业的过程中农村市场化的滞后和社会支持的不足。各级政府需要加大力度,构建完善的社会支持体系搭建好农民工返乡创业的平台。 Labor mobility is the inevitable outcome of industrialization and optimum distribution of resources during the process of non-agriculturalization, and is the driven force of urbanization and modernization. After reform and opening up, spectacular rural-urban and regional migration driven by export-oriented economy not only promotes urbanization, but creates opportunity for new rural communities' construction. However, the migration pattern of Chinese rural-urban migrants is significantly different from that of other countries where the migrants become new urban citizen. The majority of Chinese rural-urban migrants migrants", which causes the level of urbanization in our country are in short term migration process called "circular lagging behind that of industrialization. The trend of semi-urbanization tends to become everlasting and permanent. This is a big challenge to the social development and the transformation of the social structure in China. As large-scale rural-urban migration did not begin in China until the mid-1980s, urban -rural return migration is a relatively recent phenomenon and research on return migration is relatively scant. Still, several recent studies have shown that urban-rural return migration is quite prevalent. However, the body of research on return migration is small and we have little empirical information on who the returnees are and how they made their decisions. In the empirical analysis below, we aim at examining the selectivity of return migration and illustrating how return reasons can shed light on our arguments. This paper, which is based on 1598 farmer samples and 62 villages samples drawn from Hubei provinces, fo- cuses on how the farmer' s household endowments influence the returning and venture of rural labor. Firstly, we establish a micro model for explaining the return migration and analyzing how the labor, given the family endowment changes the expect of migration and the return on investment, responds to institutional constraints and improves their long-term
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期151-162,共12页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"经济转型中的农民工能力发展与社会融合"(71173240) 国家社科基金一般项目"武陵山少数民族地区经济社会发展视角下返乡农民工创业研究"(11BMZ065)
关键词 家庭禀赋 农民工回流 返乡创业 社会支持 farmer' s household endowments returning return and venture social support
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