Labor mobility is the inevitable outcome of industrialization and optimum distribution of resources during the process of non-agriculturalization, and is the driven force of urbanization and modernization. After reform and opening up, spectacular rural-urban and regional migration driven by export-oriented economy not only promotes urbanization, but creates opportunity for new rural communities' construction. However, the migration pattern of Chinese rural-urban migrants is significantly different from that of other countries where the migrants become new urban citizen. The majority of Chinese rural-urban migrants migrants", which causes the level of urbanization in our country are in short term migration process called "circular lagging behind that of industrialization. The trend of semi-urbanization tends to become everlasting and permanent. This is a big challenge to the social development and the transformation of the social structure in China. As large-scale rural-urban migration did not begin in China until the mid-1980s, urban -rural return migration is a relatively recent phenomenon and research on return migration is relatively scant. Still, several recent studies have shown that urban-rural return migration is quite prevalent. However, the body of research on return migration is small and we have little empirical information on who the returnees are and how they made their decisions. In the empirical analysis below, we aim at examining the selectivity of return migration and illustrating how return reasons can shed light on our arguments. This paper, which is based on 1598 farmer samples and 62 villages samples drawn from Hubei provinces, fo- cuses on how the farmer' s household endowments influence the returning and venture of rural labor. Firstly, we establish a micro model for explaining the return migration and analyzing how the labor, given the family endowment changes the expect of migration and the return on investment, responds to institutional constraints and improves their long-term
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
farmer' s household endowments
return and venture
social support