试验结果证明 ,鸡痘 (FP)弱毒疫苗对新城疫 (ND)弱毒疫苗血凝抑制 (HI)抗体产生有严重的干扰作用 ,在FP疫苗接种后 1 5天内再接种ND疫苗 ,FP疫苗对ND疫苗的HI抗体的产生均有不同程度的干扰作用 ,其ND抗体平均效价低于单独用ND疫苗组 0 .1 5~ 1 .35个 (log2 )滴度。对雏鸡用FP弱毒疫苗和ND弱毒疫苗同时接种 ,或间隔 1 5天后再接种ND疫苗 ,其ND抗体平均值与单独用ND疫苗免疫组无明显差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。本实验观察结果表明 ,FP和ND免疫程序的不合理造成免疫抗体下降 ,免疫保护低下也是导致ND免疫失败的原因之一 ,这对防制目前广泛流行免疫鸡群非典型ND有重要实际意义。
The experiment results demonstrated that the attenuated vaccine of fowl pox(FP) has sevious interference effect on the generation of hemagglutination inhibition (HI)antibody of Newcastle disease(ND)attenuated vaccine,When ND vaccine was innoculated with in 15 day after the innoculation of FP vaccine,it can be found that FP vaccine has interfereonce effects of different degrees to the generation of HI antibody of ND vaccine.The mean titer of ND antibody is 0.15~1.35(log 2 )lower than the group that using only ND vaccine.For chick innoculation,there is no significant difference in the mean value of ND antibody between innoculation using both FP and ND attenuated vaccines and that innoculating ND vaccine 15 day after FP attenuated vaccine (P>0.05).The experiment results shown that the lower level of immune antibody and immune protection resulted from the irrational FP and ND immune procedure is one of the reasons that leading to ND immune failure.This has significant practical meaning to the control and protection of the epidemic atypical ND of immunzed chicken flock.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine