介绍了BAYQIK工艺在Berzelius公司铅冶炼厂的现场运行情况。由于铅冶炼产能提高了30%面烟气总流量没有增加,烟气φ(SO_2)由12%提高到18%;为此在原传统二转二吸装置上以旁路模式增设了BAYQIK装置。装置投产以来,在进口φ(SO_2)最高达21%、烟气流量为0~17 000m^3/h的条件下已成功运行超过19000h。
The field operation of BAYQIK~ process in Berzelius lead smelter is reported. Due to a capacity enhancement of about 30% in the lead smelting process, without increasing the total process gas volume flow, the concentration of SO2 rose from about 12% to 18%. A BAYQIK unit was installed ( add-on unit in bypass configuration) in existing conventional double absorption plant. Since start up, the unit is on-stream for more than 19 000 h of successful operation at SO2 inlet concentrations of up to 21 vol% and volume flow rates ranging from zero to 17 000 ma/h.
Sulphuric Acid Industry