对上海市宝山区月浦公园和蕴川公路菜田采集的土壤柱样,进行了土壤粒度、铅(Pb)含量及其稳定同位素比值的垂向变化分析,以探讨土壤的铅污染特征及其来源.结果表明,菜田和公园土壤柱样中铅含量分别为17.2~34.8 mg.kg-1和17.5~36.5 mg.kg-1,菜田土壤207Pb/206Pb和208Pb/206Pb分别为0.827~0.849和2.082~2.101,公园土壤则为0.839~0.848和2.089~2.099.2个土壤柱样中铅含量及其富集因子(EF)、207Pb/206Pb和208Pb/206Pb比值都随深度增加而减小,菜田和公园表层土壤(表层10 cm)Pb的富集因子基本都大于1.5,指示了菜田和公园土壤表层较高含量的铅系人为活动外源输入所致.对比前人关于上海不同污染源铅稳定同位素比值的研究结果,菜田和公园表层土壤铅同位素特征介于长江河口潮间带沉积物和工业燃煤粉尘之间,且EF>1.5,样品更接近燃煤产物,说明宝山区表层土壤铅污染主要来自工矿企业燃煤所产生的粉尘.
Two soil cores were collected from the Yuepu Park and a vegetable field near the Yunchuan Road in Baoshan district,Shanghai.Particle size,Pb content and Pb stable isotopic ratios were measured to examine Pb contamination status and its source.The results indicate that Pb concentration in the vegetable field soil and Yuepu park soil varies from 17.2 mg·kg-1 to 34.8 mg·kg-1 and 17.5 mg·kg-1 to 36.5 mg·kg-1,respectively.The observed Pb isotopic ratios of vegetable field samples vary from 0.827 to 0.849 for 207Pb/206Pb,and 2.082 to 2.101 for 208Pb/206Pb,while those of Yuepu Park samples range from 0.839 to 0.848 and 2.089 to 2.097,respectively.Pb content,its enrichment factor(EF) and Pb stable isotopic ratios increase upward in both soil cores.EF values of surfacial(top 10 cm) vegetable field samples and park samples are mostly greater than 1.5,suggesting that higher Pb contents in topsoils are caused by anthropogenic activities.Compared with previous reports on Pb isotope signatures of different environmental materials in Shanghai,Pb isotopic ratios in the two soil cores are between those of Yangtze River intertidal sediments and the dust of coal combustion,and those of soil samples with EF1.5 are closer to the isotopic ratios of coal combustion dust.It indicates that topsoil in the Baoshan district is contaminated by dust derived from coal combustion.
Environmental Science