为了扩大802.11n无线产品的覆盖范围,设计了一款符合802.11n标准的2.4GHz高线性功率放大器。在该功率放大器的设计中采用了双路均衡功率合成技术和差异化加速开关技术,在提供高功率输出的同时满足了802.11n的误差向量幅度(EVM)的要求,尤其是实际应用中的动态EVM。测试结果表明,该功率放大器回退7dB后的线性输出功率为27dBm,此时的EVM为-30dB,合成功率输出为29.5 dBm。该功率放大器可广泛用于无线局域网中,与各种类型的无线AP直接匹配使用,提高其覆盖范围。
In order to expand the coverage of 802.11 n wireless products, an 802.11 n 2.4 GHz high linear power amplifier is designed in this paper by using the technology of dual - balanced power synthesis and the differential accelerated switch. The power amplifier can meet the 802.1 In Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) requirements, especially the dynamic EVM in practical applications, while providing high output power. The test results show that the power amplifier can provide a linear output power of 27 dBm and synthesis power of 29.5 dBm with an EVM of - 30 dB after a 7 dB output power backoff. It can be widely used in the WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network) and match various types of wireless AP directly to improve its coverage. Key words: high linear power amplifier; 802.11n; dual - balanced power synthesis ; differential accelerated switch
Telecommunication Engineering