6Bettye Rose ConneU, Mike Jones, Ron Mace, Jim Mueller, Abir Mullick, Elaine Ostroff, Jon Sanford, Ed Steinfdd, Molly Story, Gregg Vanderheiden. The Principies of Universal Oesignn . US: NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, 1997: 1-2. 被引量:1
7Molly Story, James Mueller, Ron Mace .The Uzliversal Design File: Designing For People oF AH Ages and Abillities. US: NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, 1998. 被引量:1
8Leslie C. Young. Residential Rehabilitation,Remodeling and Universal Design. US: NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, 2006. 被引量:1