
海上军事活动的自由与限制——基于《联合国海洋法公约》的考察与分析 被引量:5

Freedom of and Restraints on Maritime Military Activities:A Study Based on UNCLOS
摘要 《联合国海洋法公约》作为目前世界上最具综合性的海洋法典却缺失了对海上军事活动范围的明文规定。虽然公约设置的各个海洋区域各有其适用的法律制度,但是对于在怎样的条件下允许使用武力却语焉不详。通过对公约文本的解读与对国际法院在科孚海峡案、尼加拉瓜军事与准军事活动案中判决意见的分析,并借鉴西方著名国际法学家对这一主题的观点,笔者得出在某些特定的情形下可以在海上使用武力的正当的法律根据。这将有助于我国在维护主权利益的前提下适当顾及其他国家在我国黄海、东海、南海等的航行权利;必要时,我国可以诉诸成比例的反制措施以应对来自海洋军事强国的挑衅。 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the most comprehensive maritime code, has no express provision of parameters of maritime military activities. Although there is a corresponding law that can be applied to each maritime zone, what conditions should be met for the allowance of use of force has never been in place. After a theoretical examination of the UNCLOS text and a close analysis of Corfu Case and Nicaragua Case as well as those heated academic arguments over these issues among Western scholars, we concluded that under certain circumstances the use of force can be justified. This will contribute to protecting our sovereign interests with due respect to maritime navigational rights of other nations in our Huanghai Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. If necessary, we may resort to proportionate countermeasures as a response to the challenges posed by foreign maritime powers.
作者 王建廷
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期43-50,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科基金(09YJC820018)
关键词 海上航行权 海上军事活动 主权利益 成比例的反制措施 maritime navigational rights maritime military activities sovereign interests proportionate countermeasures
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