

Screening and identification of wide compatible BLB-resistant rice restorer lines
摘要 【目的】为采用分子标记辅助选择利用野生稻抗性基因提供科学依据,并为选育超级杂交水稻提供目标亲本和选育新的恢复系提供亲本。【方法】以白叶枯病抗性水稻中野5112为供体亲本、广亲和恢复系桂649为受体亲本进行有性杂交,将在分离群体中筛选的35份优良目标品系进行田间接菌鉴定,并用与水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa23紧密连锁的SSR标记引物RM206对中野5112、恢复系桂649及其35份优良杂交后代F4材料进行分子检测。【结果】从桂649×中野5112杂交后代的35个F4品系中,筛选出13个同时具有白叶枯病抗性和广亲和性潜力及其他优良农艺性状的品系,其中属偏粳型11个,属偏籼型的仅有两个;供体材料中野5112及其13份杂交后代材料携有Xa23的抗性等位点,受体材料桂649及其他22份杂交后代材料未携带Xa23的抗性等位点。田间接菌鉴定结果表明,在37个检测材料中,除中野5112外,对白叶枯病表现中抗以上的有18个品系,进一步证明这部分材料已携带有Xa23基因。将13份携有Xa23抗性等位点的材料与籼、粳稻品种及不育系配组,根据其F1代的育性表现,证明其中12个品系具有广亲和性。此外,与对照汕优63相比,初步鉴定出适合广西种植的具有超高产潜力的杂交稻组合3个,即龙特甫A×100-1-4、龙特甫A×08262-2-1和龙特甫A×08278-1-1。【结论】采用SSR标记引物与PCR检测方法进行Xa23基因分子标记检测是可行的,这为采用分子标记辅助选择利用野生稻抗性基因提供科学依据。筛选出的13份优良品系可用作选育超级杂交水稻的目标亲本或选育新恢复系的亲本。 [Objective]The present experiment was conducted to provide scientific experimental data for utilization of disease resistant genes in wild rice(Oryzae rufipogon) using marker-assisted selection(MAS) and also to provide desirable target parental lines for breeding super hybrid rice and source parental lines for selecting new restorer lines.[Method]The bacterial leaf blight(BLB) resistance gene donor Zhongye 5112 was crossed with the acceptor wide compatible restorer line Gui 649 for selection of their 35 F4 offsprings which were detected by using PCR-based molecular marker RM206,closely linked to BLB resistance gene Xa23.The field inoculation tests of BLB were also performed at the same time.[Results]Amongst 35 F4 hybrid offsprings,13(11 japonica and 2 indica) showed potential of BLB-resistance,wide compatibility and better comprehensive agronomic traits.The allele of Xa23 appeared in the donor Zhongye 5112 and its 13 F4 offsprings,while it was absent in acceptor Gui 649 and other 22 offsprings.The field artificial inoculation results indicated that amongst 37 rice lines,18 lines showed moderate BLB-resistance except for Zhongye 5112,which proved that these lines contained Xa23 gene.Furthermore,the 13 lines with gene Xa23 were crossed to indica and japonica tester varieties and male sterile lines for evaluation of their wide compatibility and hybrid heterosis.The results showed that 12 lines with Xa23 gene had wide compatibility based on the seed setting rate of their F1 hybrids.As compared to control variety Shanyou 63,3 hybrid combinations with super high yield and desirable hybrid heterosis,viz.,Longtefu A×100-1-4,Longtefu A×08262-2-1 and Longtefu A×08278-1-1 were identified for planting in rice producing areas of Guangxi.[Conclusion]The results of marker assisted detection of BLB resistance in different rice lines were coincided with those of field artificial inoculation,which indicated that the gene Xa23 could be detected with PCR-based molecular marker RM206 used in this study.The experime
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1443-1448,共6页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 广西科学基金和应用基础研究专项项目(桂科自0832016)
关键词 水稻 广亲和恢复系 抗白叶枯病基因 XA23 分子标记 鉴定 Oryzae sativa L. wide compatibility BLB-resistance gene Xa23 molecular marker identification
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