
江苏省如皋市人民医院各科室抗菌药物应用分析 被引量:5

Analysis of Antibiotic Use in Jiangsu Rugao Municipal People's Hospital
摘要 目的:分析我院抗菌药物使用种类,不同抗菌药物的全年使用频率,并且根据分析结果指导抗菌药物的合理使用,督促提高我院处方质量。方法:随机抽取我院360份门诊处方以及210份患者出院病历并进行收集整理,对各科室使用抗菌药物的处方金额、药品数量、抗菌药物使用频率等进行统计分析。结果:我院儿科、内科、外科、妇科门诊以及手术与非手术抗菌药物平均使用种数分别为2.034、1.873、1.972、1.993、2.255、1.930,其中涉及抗菌药物11类:头孢菌素类使用最为频繁,占抗菌药物使用总数的28.19%(179/635),其次为青霉素类、氟喹诺酮类、氨基糖苷类,分别占到总数的22.05%(140/635)、15.59%(99/635)、10.87%(69/635)。用药时间过长、联合用药不合理、用药时间错误、用法与用量不合理等为主要的不合理用药类型。结论:我院各科室使用抗菌药物存在不合理现象,应该加强监管,促进抗菌药物合理应用。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the categories of antibiotics and the use frequency of antibiotics used throughout the year in our hospital,and the analytical results serve as basis for guiding raional drug use and supervise and urge the improvement of prescription quality in our hospital.METHODS: 360 outpatient prescriptions and 210 medical records were randomly collected from our hospital for statistical analysis with regard to the consumption sum,consumption quantity of drugs and the use frequency of antibiotics in different clinical departments etc.RESULTS: The mean numbers of antibiotics used in the outpatients from pediatric department,medical department,surgical department,gynecological department,and the patients undergoing surgery and those without undergoing surgery were 2.034,1.873,1.972,1.993,2.255 and 1.930,respectively.A total of 11 categories of antibiotics were used,with cephalosporins used most frequently,accounting for 28.19%(179/635) of total number of antibiotics,followed by penicillins(22.05%,140/635),quinolones(15.59%,99/635) and aminoglycosides(10.87%,69/635).The irrational use was characterized by prolonged medication,irrational combination,errors in medication timing,irrational administration dosage etc.CONCLUSION: The irrational drug use phenomenon was noted in all clinical departments,thus measures should be taken to tighten control on the rational use of antibiotics.
作者 冒群
出处 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2011年第12期1098-1100,共3页 Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
关键词 抗菌药物 儿科 内科 外科 妇科 联合用药 Antibiotics Pediatric department Medical department Surgical department Gynecological department Combined use of drugs
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