目的分析2005—2009年东丽区法定传染病疫情的流行特点,为做好东丽区疾病控制工作提供依据。方法利用中国疾病监测信息报告管理系统中的数据资料,采用描述流行病学方法对东丽区2005—2009年法定传染病疫情资料进行分析。结果 2005—2009年期间东丽区无甲类传染病报告,乙类传染病平均发病率为259.27/10万,死亡病例6例,病种涉及肺结核、艾滋病和狂犬病。以细菌性痢疾、肺结核、乙型肝炎、麻疹和梅毒为主。丙类传染病平均发病率为475.97/10万。夏秋季为传染病高发季节,地区主要以区政府周边及流动人口较多的城乡接合部为主,发病人群总体上男性多于女性,5岁以下和青壮年病例比例较大,散居儿童、学生、家务待业人员、农民和工人发病较多。结论东丽区应在完善传染病报告与管理的同时适时加大对重点地区重点人群传染病知识的宣传力度,重点做好肺结核、乙型肝炎等疾病及性传播传染病的预防控制工作。
[Objective]To analyze the epidemic characteristics of notifiable diseases in Dongli District during 2005-2009,and provide evidence for disease control in Dongli District. [Methods]The descriptive epidemiology analysis was conducted on the data of infectious disease in Dongli District from2005 to 2009 obtained from national disease reporting information system. [Results]No category A infectious disease were reported,the average annual incidence rate of category B was 259.27/100 000,with 6 death cases involving TB,AIDS and rabies.Most cases were bacillary dysentery,TB,hepatitis B,measles and syphilis.The average annual incidence rate of category C was 475.97/100 000.The peak incidence appeared in summer and autumn,and the most located in the regions near government and the rurbania.Male cases was more than female cases,the children less than 5 years and young adults occupied a larger proportion.The career distribution was scattered children,students,unemployed workers,peasants and worker. [Conclusion]The main task for the prevention and control of infectious disease in Dongli District is to improve the management of notifiable disease report and to strengthen the publicity and education in the key areas for key groups simultaneously.And the prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as TB,hepatitis B and sexually transmitted disease should attract more attentions.
Occupation and Health
Notifiable diseases
Epidemiological characteristic